Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mweemba family 3

Melinda meet Chipo =)

Translation by Chim:
I asked the lady in the video what her name was. She told me that she was Anna Mweemba. She told me that the children in the video were hers. I asked her to introduce the children and she told me that the child wearing a blue suit was Innocent Mweemba attending CHILDHOPE supported ECCDE centre at Dindi. She then told me that the child wearing a striped shirt was Hudson Mweemba attending CHILDHOPE supported ECCDE at Dindi. She also told me that the child wearing red trousers was Chipo Mweemba attending CHILDHOPE supported ECCDE at Dindi. She told me that she was appealing for someone to help her purchase school requirement for her children. She is appealing for the purchase of books, uniforms, toys, pencils erasers etc.

Innocent Mweemba #993 above and Hudson #220 below need sponsors
Chipo Mweemba is sponsored by Melinda
Innocent and Hudson are both in need of sponsors.  If you would like to sponsor one of these sweet boys for only $9 a month, send an e-mail to macandmic@gmail.com


  1. He seems so shy like. They are all 3 so cute though

  2. Cute and putting on tough faces! Looking at these 3 children together, Innocent and Hudson have these tough almost mean faces with the lips pursed together and Chipo has his hands together pleading- almost like he is saying, "Please help save me from my brothers!"
