These boys are all in Primary which consists of Grade Levels 1 through 7
This information is based on the data and photos collected between April and July, 2010.
Sponsorship of a primary student is only $9 a month and provides the child with educational and medical benefits. To sponsor a child, first send an e-mail to to verify that the child is still available.
Name: Brian Mooya
*not sponsored*
Child #: 837
Sex: Male
DOB: 3/17/2003
Grade: 1
Wants to be a teaher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents and 1 brother
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Name: Voster Mweemba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 811
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/25/2002
Grade: 1
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: numbers
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Makangala with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is: fair
Name: Leonard Hatete
Child #: 939
Sex: Male
DOB: 9/7/2002
Grade: 1
Wants to be a soldier
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: numbers
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Makangala with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Name: Mwiinga Ng'andu
DOB: 09/6/02
Grade: 1
Wants to be a driver
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: English/Numbers
Favorite Color: Red/Blue
Favorite Sport: soccer
Lives in Dindi with his mother, 1 Brother and 1 Sister
Chores: Herding Goats
Health is Fair
Name: Oscar Muleya
*not sponsored*
Child #: 889
Sex: Male
DOB: 3/20/2004
Grade: 1
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: brown
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Name: Kabaso Mwangula
*not sponsored*
Child #: 927
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/18/2005
Grade: 1
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Chalimbana with his parents
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Name: Machila Hachintu
*not sponsored*
Child #: 907
Sex: Male
DOB: 9/10/2003
Grade: 1
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: numbers
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Chalimbana with his parents, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Name: Phinius Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 802
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/15/2003
Grade: 1
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: painting
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Chalimbana with his parents and 3 brothers
Chores: herding cattle
Health is: fair
Name: Choolwe Habeta
*not sponsored*
Child #: 866
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/15/2003
Grade: 1
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents and 1 sister
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Name: Jimmy Chikandi
*not sponsored*
Child #: 983
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/16/2002
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his mother, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: gardening
Health is: fair
Name: Pearson Likukela
*not sponsored*
Child #: 355
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/19/1999
Grade: 4
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his parents, 2 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding animals
Health is: fair
Name: Victor Malambo
*not sponsored*
Child #: 454
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/20/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: developmental studies
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his grandparents, 4 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: drawing water
Health is fair
Name: Moonde Moonde
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 990
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/3/2000
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is: serious- chest pains
Name: Hilary Hamabenda
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 1142
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/4/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: numbers
Favorite Color: red/black
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his grandfather, 1 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: farming
Health is: fair
Child #: 994
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/27/2000
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: religious education
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his mother and 1 brother and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is: serious- ear infection getting treatment
Name: Peter Mweemba
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 856
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/25/2004
Grade: 1
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english/math
Favorite Color: red/blue
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 5 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: looking after goats
Health is: fair
Name: Benjamin K.Muganya
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 1139
Sex: Male
DOB: 6/23/1997
Grade: 6
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: herding cattle
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 1 brother and 5 sisters
Chores: gardening
Health is: fair
Name: Philip Milondwe
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 95
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/15/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english/science
Favorite Color: red/white
Favorite Pastime: herding cattle
Lives in Simwaba with his grandfather, 8 brothers and 1 sister
Chores: studying
Health is: fair
Child #: 1144
Sex: Male
DOB: 8/15/2002
Grade: 3
Wants to be a footballer
Speaks English/Tonga
Favorite Subject: english/maths
Favorite Color: white/blue
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Simwaba with his grandmother and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is: fair
Name: Coxson Chiinda
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 1145
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/25/2004
Grade: 1
Wants to be a footballer
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english/maths
Favorite Color: red/white
Favorite Pastime: looking after goats
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: looking after goats
Health is: fair
Name: Able Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 387
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/9/1997
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: maths
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 4 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: looking after cattle
Health is: fair
Name: Lanordi Mulinga
Child #: 351/1091
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/2/1998
Grade: 6
Wants to be a pilot
Speaks Local/English
Favorite Subject: mathematics and science
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 1 brother and 1 sister
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Finally Kapenzi
*not sponsored*
Child #: 417
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/18/1998
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics and science
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 4 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Ocean Hakazemba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 415
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/15/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 3 brothers and 1 sister
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Steven Buumba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 408
Sex: Male
DOB: 3/29/2000
Grade: 5
Wants to be a pastor
Speaks English And Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 2 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Cheelo Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 399
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/11/2001
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 2 brothers and 1 sister
Chores: watering garden
Health is fair
Name: Lweendo Hambulo
*not sponsored**featured in family video
Child #: 377
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/2/2001
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Marcbethewel Moonze
*not sponsored*
Child #: 373
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/26/1998
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 1 brother and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Shaft Hachimbwe
*not sponsored*
Child #: 366
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/7/2001
Grade: 2
Wants to be a soldier
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english and mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Devy Lwanja
*not sponsored*
Child #: 350
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/4/2001
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandfather, 1 brother and 1 sister
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Sydney Moono
*not sponsored*
Child #: 354
Sex: Male
DOB: 8/20/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a driver
Speaks English/Tonga
Favorite Subject: english and mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his grandmother, 0 brothers and 1 sister
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Stanely Moonga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 348
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/16/2000
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandfather, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Kelvin Mubambuso
*not sponsored*
Child #: 349
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/17/2001
Grade: 2
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandfather, 4 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Child #: 323
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/6/2000
Grade: 3
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: modelling
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 3 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Ronard Hankombo
Child #: 505
DOB: 9/20/1998
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandmother, 3 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Milimo Maumbwe
*not sponsored*
Child #: 368
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/9/1998
Grade: 4
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english and mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 4 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding
Health is fair
Name: Bright Nyeleti
*not sponsored*
Child #: 658
Sex: Male
DOB: 01/15/95
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair

Name: Aklin Chimuka
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1052
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/3/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a soldier
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: basic social and development studies
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Makangala with his grandmother, 2 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: looking after donkeys
Health is fair
Name: Nchimunya Halubala
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1053
Sex: Male
DOB: 9/7/1998
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Makangala with his grandmother, 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: washing plates
Health is fair
Name: Collen Nyanwa (Nyanwa family)
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1042
Sex: Male
DOB: 9/2/2001
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: math
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents and siblings
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Stebbi Lwaando
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1035
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/8/1997
Grade: 5
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Chatika with his mother, 4 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Name: Mark Nakalonga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1025
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/15/1996
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Kalama with his parents, 4 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 1005
Sex: Male
DOB: 9/19/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents
Chores: herding cattle
Name: Joseph Nyanwa
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1004
Sex: Male
DOB: 9/7/1998
Grade: 6
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents
Chores: herding cattle
Name: Pethias Michelo
*not sponsored*
Child #: 275
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/6/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Chipuya with his father, 11 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is Good
Name: Michael Chaaba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 225
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/5/2003
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Chatika with his grandfather, 0 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Name: Mboozi Miyoba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 12
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/9/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a police
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Kapani with his father, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: weeding
Health is fair
Name: Morgan Shamilimo
*not sponsored*
Child #: 14
Sex: Male
DOB: 6/3/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a police
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: tonga
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in with his auntie, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: studying/hunting
Health is fair
Name: Mwaka Mwapula
*not sponsored*
Child #: 23
Sex: Male
DOB: 3/3/2000
Grade: 5
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: social studies
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Moonga with his uncle, 3 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is Good
Name: Jacob Makoye
*not sponsored*
Child #: 24
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/1/1999
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Makoye with his father, 5 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is Good
Name: Mayben Hanzekule
*not sponsored*
Child #: 26
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/1/1996
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Moonga with his father, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is Good
Child #: 28
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/1/1997
Grade: 5
Wants to be a police
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Moonga with his mother, 1 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Name: Keneth Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 29
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/13/2000
Grade: 5
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Moonga with his father, 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: cleaning house
Health is fair
Name: Raward Makoye
Child #: 31
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/14/1995
Grade: 7
Wants to be a logistics manager
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Kalala with his father, 3 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Name: Lasy Hachiwa
*not sponsored*
Child #: 714
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/18/95
Grade: 6
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 4 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: fetcfhing water
Health is fair
Name: Ford Mooya
*not sponsored*
Child #: 715
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/09/99
Grade: 4
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 4 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Emmanuel Ngandu
*not sponsored*
Child #: 725
Sex: Male
DOB: 01/03/01
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: tonga
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his grandparents, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Melvin Mweemba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 729
Sex: Male
DOB: 06/08/96
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics / english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: hering goats
Health is fair
Name: Obrian Mazuba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 698
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/04/94
Grade: 7
Wants to be a soldier
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Mbiya with his parents, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Wellington Mweene
*not sponsored*
Child #: 699
Sex: Male
DOB: 03/10/01
Grade: 3
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: basic social and development studies
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents., 5 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Child #: 701
Sex: Male
DOB: 01/05/98
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Mbiya with his grandparents, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Bruce Mwendabanyama
*not sponsored*
Child #: 703
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/15/01
Grade: 3
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 1 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Oswel Musunga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 697
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/21/03
Grade: 3
Wants to be a pilot
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and - sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Child #: 694
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/12/01
Grade: 3
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 1 brothers and - sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 693
Sex: Male
DOB: 03/20/01
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Child #: 690
Sex: Male
DOB: 07/19/00
Grade: 3
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: eneglish / mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 1 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Child #: 688
Sex: Male
DOB: 02/11/98
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Siyowi with his parents, 4 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: watering the garden
Health is fair
Child #: 687
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/20/00
Grade: 4
Wants to be a pilot
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandfather, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Gift Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 678
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/15/99
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 1 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 6
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/4/1996
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Local
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Hachingala with his father, 4 brothers and 6 sisters
Chores: washing clothes
Health is fair
Child #: 2
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/4/2000
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Local
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Mbozi with his father, 2 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: washing clothes
Health is fair
Child #: 11
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/1/1995
Grade: 7
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Local/English
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Kabanje B with his grandfather, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Child #: 185
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/2/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a pilot
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: social studies
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Chatika with his grand mother, 0 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Child #: 677
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/01/00
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandmother, 1 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 669
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/10/00
Grade: 5
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: social and development studies
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Child #: 474
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/04/97
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics / english
Favorite Color: red / green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Hangoma Machila
*not sponsored*
Child #: 592
DOB: 4/21/1998
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english / mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue / black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Munnega with his parents, 1 brother and 1 sister
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Bbule Malambo
*not sponsored*
Child #: 591
DOB: 4/3/1993
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Munnega with his brother, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Milimo Muube
*not sponsored*
Child #: 590
DOB: 12/1/1999
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 4 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Nchimunya Hamooya
*not sponsored*
Child #: 588
DOB: 3/30/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Child #: 583
DOB: 2/9/1998
Grade: 5
Wants to be a mechanic
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Magoye with his grandparents, 0 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Child #: 582
Grade: 6
*no more information is available at this time
Name: Brian Cheelo
*not sponsored*
Child #: 659
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/12/97
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 3 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Joy Mwambwa
*not sponsored*
Child #: 656
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/02/97
Grade: 7
Wants to be a banker
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics / english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Micho Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 652
Sex: Male
DOB: 02/01/00
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: brown
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Naleza with his grandparents, 5 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Child #: 651
Sex: Male
DOB: 02/01/02
Grade: 3
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 1 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Mark Makoye
*not sponsored*
Child #: 644
Sex: Male
DOB: 07/21/01
Grade: 4
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: watching tv
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Modern Mpofu
*not sponsored*
Child #: 642
Sex: Male
DOB: 08/11/94
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 629
Sex: Male
DOB: 05/02/02
Grade: 2
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: tonga
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Naleza with his father, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Willy Hanyinde
*not sponsored*
Child #: 628
Sex: Male
DOB: 02/06/01
Grade: 4
Wants to be a businessman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 7 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Bryson Maliko
*not sponsored*
Child #: 627
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/20/01
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: herding goats
Lives in Naleza with his father, - brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Child #: 624
Sex: Male
DOB: 02/24/00
Grade: 4
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his father, 1 brothers and 6 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: John Njovu
*not sponsored*
Child #: 621
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/02/02
Grade: 4
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english and mathematics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandmother, 3 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Name: Levy Maambo Hakasenke
*not sponsored*
Child #: 620
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/12/01
Grade: 3
Wants to be a pilot
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Muleya Moonga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 619
Sex: Male
DOB: 01/09/05
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 4 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Anderson Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 614
Sex: Male
DOB: 01/03/00
Grade: 5
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 4 brothers and - sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Joe Singwengwe
*not sponsored*
Child #: 604
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/25/97
Grade: 7
Wants to be a business man
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english / mathmatics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 4 brothers and - sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Sidat Singwengwe
Child #: 603
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/02/94
Grade: 7
Wants to be a police man
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 1 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Name: Kelvin Milimo
Child #: 599
DOB: 6/5/1996
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english / mathmatics
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his father, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Mapenzi Chilinda
Child #: 600
DOB: 1/4/1998
Grade: 5
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 5 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Fisher Malambo
Child #: 579
DOB: 11/2/1992
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his grandparents, 0 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Borniface Hamoonga
Child #: 575
DOB: 3/18/2002
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue / green
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair

Name: Nyambe Mulali
Child #: 573
DOB: 5/6/1996
Grade: 6
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his uncle, 3 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Chabota Chipuya
Child #: 569
DOB: 3/29/1999
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: brown
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Manyaana with his mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Name: Justine Mweemba
Child #: 557
DOB: 7/7/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a police
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: dishwashining
Health is fair
Name: Maambo Mube
Child #: 554
DOB: 2/22/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a business manager
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Guide Moonga
Child #: 542
DOB: 5/13/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics / science
Favorite Color: blue / black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyaana with his parents, 4 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 531
DOB: 2/9/1999
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Manyaana with his auntie, 0 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: dishwashinig
Health is fair
Name: Junior Mudenda
Child #: 530
DOB: 5/8/1993
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Maanyana with his father, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair

Name: Trywel Mweemba
Child #: 529
DOB: 1/10/1999
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyaana with his grandparents, 1 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Grade: 7
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: basic social and development studies
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his grandparents, 1 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Kelvin Munasamba
Child #: 502
DOB: 7/15/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Naleza with his grand father, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Child #: 501
Name: Musale Choongo
DOB: 2/11/1999
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is

Name: Nchimunya Chiyuni
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 504
DOB: 1/29/1995
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 4 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair

Name: Chief Chipulwe
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 475
DOB: 11/13/1995
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga /English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 5 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair

Name: Godfrey Hachingala
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 484
DOB: 3/3/2003
Grade: 2
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: creative and technology studies.
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair

Name: Loveday Lwiindi
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 498
DOB: 4/23/1998
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 5 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Musale Choongo
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 501
DOB: 2/11/1999
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Leonard Ngoma
Child #: 472
DOB: 11/5/1999
Grade: 5
Wants to be a professional soccer player
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: tonga
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: listening to radio
Lives in Naleza with his grandmother, 2 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Obrian Mwaando
Child #: 443
DOB: 8/10/1999
Grade: 5
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his grandfather, 1 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: gardening
Health is fair
Child #: 314
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/6/2001
Grade: 3
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Child #: 322
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/2/1998
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks English/Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 324
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/6/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his uncle, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 340
Sex: Male
DOB: 3/22/2002
Grade: 3
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandmother, 1 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Child #: 344
Sex: Male
DOB: 6/14/1999
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Event Hanatonga
Child #: 345
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/1/1999
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english and mathematics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: looking after animals
Health is fair
Name: Chimuso Choonya
Child #: 346
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/27/2000
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandfather, 2 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Mboozi Himoonga
Child #: 347
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/12/1996
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: basic social and development studies
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: weeding
Health is fair

Child #: 352
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/8/2002
Grade: 3
Wants to be a soldier
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manayana with his mother, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 353
Sex: Male
DOB: 6/10/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a driver
Speaks `Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his mother, 4 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle and washing plates
Health is fair
Name: Busiku Moonga
Child #: 356
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/6/1999
Grade: 6
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his mother, 5 brothers and 6 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Child #: 360
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/2/2001
Grade: 3
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his parents, 5 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Child #: 367
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/8/2003
Grade: 2
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 0 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 370
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/5/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english and science
Favorite Color: red and green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Child #: 384
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/11/2000
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Child #: 386
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/1/1995
Grade: 6
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his grandmother, 0 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 389
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/10/2001
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: house cleaning
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 1 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: drawing water
Health is fair
Name: Mooba Busiku
Child #: 398
Sex: Male
DOB: 8/21/2001
Grade: 3
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: social and development studies
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 4 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Child #: 404
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/2/1997
Grade: 4
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 7 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 405
Sex: Male
DOB: 8/5/2000
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his step father, 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Child #: 414
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/3/2002
Grade: 2
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: looking after goats
Health is fair

Name: Short Hamukwele
Child #: 416
Sex: Male
DOB: 6/12/1996
Grade: 6
Wants to be a police
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: cooking
Health is fair
Name: Brian Mooya
*not sponsored*
Child #: 837
Sex: Male
DOB: 3/17/2003
Grade: 1
Wants to be a teaher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents and 1 brother
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Name: Voster Mweemba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 811
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/25/2002
Grade: 1
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: numbers
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Makangala with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is: fair
Name: Leonard Hatete
Child #: 939
Sex: Male
DOB: 9/7/2002
Grade: 1
Wants to be a soldier
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: numbers
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Makangala with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Name: Mwiinga Ng'andu
DOB: 09/6/02
Grade: 1
Wants to be a driver
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: English/Numbers
Favorite Color: Red/Blue
Favorite Sport: soccer
Lives in Dindi with his mother, 1 Brother and 1 Sister
Chores: Herding Goats
Health is Fair
Name: Oscar Muleya
*not sponsored*
Child #: 889
Sex: Male
DOB: 3/20/2004
Grade: 1
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: brown
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Name: Kabaso Mwangula
*not sponsored*
Child #: 927
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/18/2005
Grade: 1
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Chalimbana with his parents
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Name: Machila Hachintu
*not sponsored*
Child #: 907
Sex: Male
DOB: 9/10/2003
Grade: 1
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: numbers
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Chalimbana with his parents, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Name: Phinius Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 802
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/15/2003
Grade: 1
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: painting
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Chalimbana with his parents and 3 brothers
Chores: herding cattle
Health is: fair
Name: Choolwe Habeta
*not sponsored*
Child #: 866
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/15/2003
Grade: 1
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents and 1 sister
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair

Name: Jimmy Chikandi
*not sponsored*
Child #: 983
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/16/2002
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his mother, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: gardening
Health is: fair
Name: Pearson Likukela
*not sponsored*
Child #: 355
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/19/1999
Grade: 4
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his parents, 2 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding animals
Health is: fair
Name: Victor Malambo
*not sponsored*
Child #: 454
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/20/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: developmental studies
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his grandparents, 4 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: drawing water
Health is fair

Name: Moonde Moonde
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 990
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/3/2000
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is: serious- chest pains
Name: Hilary Hamabenda
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 1142
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/4/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: numbers
Favorite Color: red/black
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his grandfather, 1 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: farming
Health is: fair
Name: Mweenda Moonga
*Not Sponsored*Child #: 994
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/27/2000
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: religious education
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his mother and 1 brother and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is: serious- ear infection getting treatment
Name: Peter Mweemba
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 856
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/25/2004
Grade: 1
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english/math
Favorite Color: red/blue
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 5 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: looking after goats
Health is: fair
Name: Benjamin K.Muganya
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 1139
Sex: Male
DOB: 6/23/1997
Grade: 6
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: herding cattle
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 1 brother and 5 sisters
Chores: gardening
Health is: fair
Name: Philip Milondwe
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 95
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/15/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english/science
Favorite Color: red/white
Favorite Pastime: herding cattle
Lives in Simwaba with his grandfather, 8 brothers and 1 sister
Chores: studying
Health is: fair
Name: Emmanuel Mweene
*Not Sponsored*Child #: 1144
Sex: Male
DOB: 8/15/2002
Grade: 3
Wants to be a footballer
Speaks English/Tonga
Favorite Subject: english/maths
Favorite Color: white/blue
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Simwaba with his grandmother and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is: fair
Name: Coxson Chiinda
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 1145
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/25/2004
Grade: 1
Wants to be a footballer
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english/maths
Favorite Color: red/white
Favorite Pastime: looking after goats
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: looking after goats
Health is: fair
Name: Able Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 387
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/9/1997
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: maths
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 4 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: looking after cattle
Health is: fair
Name: Lanordi Mulinga
Child #: 351/1091
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/2/1998
Grade: 6
Wants to be a pilot
Speaks Local/English
Favorite Subject: mathematics and science
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 1 brother and 1 sister
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Finally Kapenzi
*not sponsored*
Child #: 417
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/18/1998
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics and science
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 4 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Ocean Hakazemba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 415
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/15/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 3 brothers and 1 sister
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Steven Buumba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 408
Sex: Male
DOB: 3/29/2000
Grade: 5
Wants to be a pastor
Speaks English And Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 2 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Cheelo Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 399
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/11/2001
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 2 brothers and 1 sister
Chores: watering garden
Health is fair
Name: Lweendo Hambulo
*not sponsored**featured in family video
Child #: 377
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/2/2001
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Marcbethewel Moonze
*not sponsored*
Child #: 373
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/26/1998
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 1 brother and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Shaft Hachimbwe
*not sponsored*
Child #: 366
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/7/2001
Grade: 2
Wants to be a soldier
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english and mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Devy Lwanja
*not sponsored*
Child #: 350
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/4/2001
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandfather, 1 brother and 1 sister
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Sydney Moono
*not sponsored*
Child #: 354
Sex: Male
DOB: 8/20/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a driver
Speaks English/Tonga
Favorite Subject: english and mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his grandmother, 0 brothers and 1 sister
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Stanely Moonga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 348
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/16/2000
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandfather, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Kelvin Mubambuso
*not sponsored*
Child #: 349
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/17/2001
Grade: 2
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandfather, 4 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Luyando Mwiinga
*not sponsored*Child #: 323
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/6/2000
Grade: 3
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: modelling
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 3 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Ronard Hankombo
Child #: 505
DOB: 9/20/1998
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandmother, 3 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Milimo Maumbwe
*not sponsored*
Child #: 368
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/9/1998
Grade: 4
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english and mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 4 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding
Health is fair
Name: Bright Nyeleti
*not sponsored*
Child #: 658
Sex: Male
DOB: 01/15/95
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair

Name: Aklin Chimuka
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1052
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/3/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a soldier
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: basic social and development studies
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Makangala with his grandmother, 2 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: looking after donkeys
Health is fair
Name: Nchimunya Halubala
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1053
Sex: Male
DOB: 9/7/1998
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Makangala with his grandmother, 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: washing plates
Health is fair
Name: Collen Nyanwa (Nyanwa family)
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1042
Sex: Male
DOB: 9/2/2001
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: math
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents and siblings
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Stebbi Lwaando
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1035
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/8/1997
Grade: 5
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Chatika with his mother, 4 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Name: Mark Nakalonga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1025
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/15/1996
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Kalama with his parents, 4 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Phenious Nyanwa
*not sponsored*Child #: 1005
Sex: Male
DOB: 9/19/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents
Chores: herding cattle
Name: Joseph Nyanwa
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1004
Sex: Male
DOB: 9/7/1998
Grade: 6
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents
Chores: herding cattle
Name: Pethias Michelo
*not sponsored*
Child #: 275
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/6/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Chipuya with his father, 11 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is Good
Name: Michael Chaaba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 225
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/5/2003
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Chatika with his grandfather, 0 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Name: Mboozi Miyoba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 12
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/9/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a police
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Kapani with his father, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: weeding
Health is fair
Name: Morgan Shamilimo
*not sponsored*
Child #: 14
Sex: Male
DOB: 6/3/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a police
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: tonga
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in with his auntie, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: studying/hunting
Health is fair
Name: Mwaka Mwapula
*not sponsored*
Child #: 23
Sex: Male
DOB: 3/3/2000
Grade: 5
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: social studies
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Moonga with his uncle, 3 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is Good
Name: Jacob Makoye
*not sponsored*
Child #: 24
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/1/1999
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Makoye with his father, 5 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is Good
Name: Mayben Hanzekule
*not sponsored*
Child #: 26
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/1/1996
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Moonga with his father, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is Good
Name: Bernard Hameja
*not sponsored*Child #: 28
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/1/1997
Grade: 5
Wants to be a police
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Moonga with his mother, 1 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Name: Keneth Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 29
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/13/2000
Grade: 5
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Moonga with his father, 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: cleaning house
Health is fair
Name: Raward Makoye
Child #: 31
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/14/1995
Grade: 7
Wants to be a logistics manager
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Kalala with his father, 3 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Name: Lasy Hachiwa
*not sponsored*
Child #: 714
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/18/95
Grade: 6
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 4 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: fetcfhing water
Health is fair
Name: Ford Mooya
*not sponsored*
Child #: 715
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/09/99
Grade: 4
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 4 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Emmanuel Ngandu
*not sponsored*
Child #: 725
Sex: Male
DOB: 01/03/01
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: tonga
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his grandparents, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Melvin Mweemba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 729
Sex: Male
DOB: 06/08/96
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics / english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: hering goats
Health is fair
Name: Obrian Mazuba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 698
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/04/94
Grade: 7
Wants to be a soldier
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Mbiya with his parents, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Wellington Mweene
*not sponsored*
Child #: 699
Sex: Male
DOB: 03/10/01
Grade: 3
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: basic social and development studies
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents., 5 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Gameco Mungala
*not sponsored*Child #: 701
Sex: Male
DOB: 01/05/98
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Mbiya with his grandparents, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Bruce Mwendabanyama
*not sponsored*
Child #: 703
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/15/01
Grade: 3
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 1 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Oswel Musunga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 697
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/21/03
Grade: 3
Wants to be a pilot
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and - sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Charles Malambo (2)
*not sponsored*Child #: 694
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/12/01
Grade: 3
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 1 brothers and - sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Best Hakasenke
*not sponsored*Child #: 693
Sex: Male
DOB: 03/20/01
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Daniel Mweemba
*not sponsored*Child #: 690
Sex: Male
DOB: 07/19/00
Grade: 3
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: eneglish / mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 1 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Name: Elijah Mainza
*not sponsored*Child #: 688
Sex: Male
DOB: 02/11/98
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Siyowi with his parents, 4 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: watering the garden
Health is fair
Name: Gift Mainza
*not sponsored*Child #: 687
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/20/00
Grade: 4
Wants to be a pilot
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandfather, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Gift Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 678
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/15/99
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 1 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Adry Simweene
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/4/1996
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Local
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Hachingala with his father, 4 brothers and 6 sisters
Chores: washing clothes
Health is fair
Name: Leonard Mweetwa
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/4/2000
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Local
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Mbozi with his father, 2 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: washing clothes
Health is fair
Name: Joseph Nyeleti
*not sponsored*Child #: 11
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/1/1995
Grade: 7
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Local/English
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Kabanje B with his grandfather, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Name: Ephram Mayoba
*not sponsored*Child #: 185
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/2/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a pilot
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: social studies
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Chatika with his grand mother, 0 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Brian Mboozi
*not sponsored*Child #: 677
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/01/00
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandmother, 1 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Benard Habasimbi
*not sponsored*Child #: 669
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/10/00
Grade: 5
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: social and development studies
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Name: Hanyinde Halube
*not sponsored*Child #: 474
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/04/97
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics / english
Favorite Color: red / green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Hangoma Machila
*not sponsored*
Child #: 592
DOB: 4/21/1998
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english / mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue / black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Munnega with his parents, 1 brother and 1 sister
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Bbule Malambo
*not sponsored*
Child #: 591
DOB: 4/3/1993
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Munnega with his brother, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Milimo Muube
*not sponsored*
Child #: 590
DOB: 12/1/1999
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 4 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Nchimunya Hamooya
*not sponsored*
Child #: 588
DOB: 3/30/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Flance Namuchana
*not sponsored*Child #: 583
DOB: 2/9/1998
Grade: 5
Wants to be a mechanic
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Magoye with his grandparents, 0 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Name: Simata Inambao
*not sponsored*Child #: 582
Grade: 6
*no more information is available at this time
Name: Brian Cheelo
*not sponsored*
Child #: 659
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/12/97
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 3 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Joy Mwambwa
*not sponsored*
Child #: 656
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/02/97
Grade: 7
Wants to be a banker
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics / english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Micho Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 652
Sex: Male
DOB: 02/01/00
Grade: 4
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: brown
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Naleza with his grandparents, 5 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Best Nembo
*not sponsored*Child #: 651
Sex: Male
DOB: 02/01/02
Grade: 3
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 1 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Mark Makoye
*not sponsored*
Child #: 644
Sex: Male
DOB: 07/21/01
Grade: 4
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: watching tv
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Modern Mpofu
*not sponsored*
Child #: 642
Sex: Male
DOB: 08/11/94
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Clifford Buumba
*not sponsored*Child #: 629
Sex: Male
DOB: 05/02/02
Grade: 2
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: tonga
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Naleza with his father, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Willy Hanyinde
*not sponsored*
Child #: 628
Sex: Male
DOB: 02/06/01
Grade: 4
Wants to be a businessman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 7 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Bryson Maliko
*not sponsored*
Child #: 627
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/20/01
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: herding goats
Lives in Naleza with his father, - brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Name: Richard Miyanda
*not sponsored*Child #: 624
Sex: Male
DOB: 02/24/00
Grade: 4
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his father, 1 brothers and 6 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: John Njovu
*not sponsored*
Child #: 621
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/02/02
Grade: 4
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english and mathematics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandmother, 3 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Name: Levy Maambo Hakasenke
*not sponsored*
Child #: 620
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/12/01
Grade: 3
Wants to be a pilot
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Muleya Moonga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 619
Sex: Male
DOB: 01/09/05
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 4 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Anderson Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 614
Sex: Male
DOB: 01/03/00
Grade: 5
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 4 brothers and - sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Joe Singwengwe
*not sponsored*
Child #: 604
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/25/97
Grade: 7
Wants to be a business man
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english / mathmatics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 4 brothers and - sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Sidat Singwengwe
Child #: 603
Sex: Male
DOB: 04/02/94
Grade: 7
Wants to be a police man
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 1 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Name: Kelvin Milimo
Child #: 599
DOB: 6/5/1996
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english / mathmatics
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his father, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Mapenzi Chilinda
Child #: 600
DOB: 1/4/1998
Grade: 5
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 5 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Fisher Malambo
Child #: 579
DOB: 11/2/1992
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his grandparents, 0 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Borniface Hamoonga
Child #: 575
DOB: 3/18/2002
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue / green
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Nyambe Mulali
Child #: 573
DOB: 5/6/1996
Grade: 6
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his uncle, 3 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Chabota Chipuya
Child #: 569
DOB: 3/29/1999
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: brown
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Manyaana with his mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Child #: 557
DOB: 7/7/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a police
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: dishwashining
Health is fair
Name: Maambo Mube
Child #: 554
DOB: 2/22/2000
Grade: 4
Wants to be a business manager
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Guide Moonga
Child #: 542
DOB: 5/13/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics / science
Favorite Color: blue / black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyaana with his parents, 4 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Laston Kandembe
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 531
DOB: 2/9/1999
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Manyaana with his auntie, 0 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: dishwashinig
Health is fair
Name: Junior Mudenda
Child #: 530
DOB: 5/8/1993
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Maanyana with his father, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Name: Trywel Mweemba
Child #: 529
DOB: 1/10/1999
Grade: 6
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyaana with his grandparents, 1 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Name: Victor Sitali
Child #: 513
Child #: 513
Grade: 7
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: basic social and development studies
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his grandparents, 1 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Kelvin Munasamba
Child #: 502
DOB: 7/15/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Naleza with his grand father, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Child #: 501
Name: Musale Choongo
DOB: 2/11/1999
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is

Name: Nchimunya Chiyuni
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 504
DOB: 1/29/1995
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 4 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair

Name: Chief Chipulwe
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 475
DOB: 11/13/1995
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga /English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 5 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair

Name: Godfrey Hachingala
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 484
DOB: 3/3/2003
Grade: 2
Wants to be a policeman
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: creative and technology studies.
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair

Name: Loveday Lwiindi
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 498
DOB: 4/23/1998
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 5 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Musale Choongo
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 501
DOB: 2/11/1999
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Leonard Ngoma
Child #: 472
DOB: 11/5/1999
Grade: 5
Wants to be a professional soccer player
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: tonga
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: listening to radio
Lives in Naleza with his grandmother, 2 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Obrian Mwaando
Child #: 443
DOB: 8/10/1999
Grade: 5
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his grandfather, 1 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: gardening
Health is fair
Name: Stanely Chilala
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 314
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/6/2001
Grade: 3
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Monday Mweemba
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 322
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/2/1998
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks English/Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Emmanuel Mashu
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 324
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/6/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his uncle, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Kelvin Kabanze
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 340
Sex: Male
DOB: 3/22/2002
Grade: 3
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandmother, 1 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Name: Mwanangubila Moozi
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 344
Sex: Male
DOB: 6/14/1999
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Event Hanatonga
Child #: 345
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/1/1999
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english and mathematics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: looking after animals
Health is fair
Name: Chimuso Choonya
Child #: 346
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/27/2000
Grade: 2
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his grandfather, 2 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Mboozi Himoonga
Child #: 347
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/12/1996
Grade: 6
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: basic social and development studies
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: weeding
Health is fair

Name: Augustine Mwape Chinguwe
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 352
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/8/2002
Grade: 3
Wants to be a soldier
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manayana with his mother, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Meleki Moonga
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 353
Sex: Male
DOB: 6/10/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a driver
Speaks `Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his mother, 4 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: herding cattle and washing plates
Health is fair
Name: Busiku Moonga
Child #: 356
Sex: Male
DOB: 11/6/1999
Grade: 6
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his mother, 5 brothers and 6 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Name: Adam Dikoni Moonga
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 360
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/2/2001
Grade: 3
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his parents, 5 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Jeper Hachimbwe
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 367
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/8/2003
Grade: 2
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his parents, 0 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Best Chaambwa
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 370
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/5/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english and science
Favorite Color: red and green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 2 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Kadson Habasimbi
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 384
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/11/2000
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Clever Hamanyanja
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 386
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/1/1995
Grade: 6
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his grandmother, 0 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Malambo Chilala
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 389
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/10/2001
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: house cleaning
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 1 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: drawing water
Health is fair
Name: Mooba Busiku
Child #: 398
Sex: Male
DOB: 8/21/2001
Grade: 3
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: social and development studies
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 4 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: herding goats
Health is fair
Name: Peter Cheelo
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 404
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/2/1997
Grade: 4
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 7 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Mwiinga Mwiinga
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 405
Sex: Male
DOB: 8/5/2000
Grade: 5
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: white
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his step father, 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Fanwell Habasimbi
*NOT SPONSORED*Child #: 414
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/3/2002
Grade: 2
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: looking after goats
Health is fair

Name: Short Hamukwele
Child #: 416
Sex: Male
DOB: 6/12/1996
Grade: 6
Wants to be a police
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Simwaba with his mother, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: cooking
Health is fair
Name: Boldwin Mwiinga
Child #: 418
Sex: Male
DOB: 5/5/1993
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 0 brothers and 5 sisters
Chores: cooking
Health is fair
Name: Andrea Masiye
Child #: 420
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/12/1995
Grade: 7
Wants to be a driver
Speaks English/Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his unlce, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: herding cattle
Health is fair
Name: Brian Himambile Child #287
DOB: 01/8/00
Grade: 5
Wants to be a Soldier
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Science
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Block-E with Uncle, 3 Brothers and 1 Sister
Chores: House Cleaning
Health is Fair
Name: Best Mweeba. Child #283
DOB: 03/9/93
Grade: 7
Wants to be a Soldier
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Block-E with Father, 1 Brother and 4 Sisters
Chores: House Cleaning
Health is Fair
Name: Arnord Michelo (2). Child #201
DOB: 9/12/2000
Grade: 2
Wants to be a Policeman
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Mathmatics
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Simwaba with Mother, 3 Brothers and - Sisters
Chores: House Cleaning
Health is Fair
Name: Usher Malambo. Child #206
DOB: 06/13/00
Grade: 2
Wants to be a Driver
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Tonga
Favorite Color: Brown
Favorite Sport: Studying
Lives in Hachikoko with Auntie, 3 Brothers and 2 Sisters
Chores: Dish Washing
Health is Fair
Name: Charles Malambo (1). Child #207
DOB: 08/22/99
Grade: 4
Wants to be a Doctor
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Social Studies
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Hachikoko with Mother, 1 Brothers and 3 Sisters
Chores: Herding Catle
Health is Good
Name: Nganedu Luyando. Child #210
DOB: 02/25/94
Grade: 6
Wants to be a Teacher
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Tonga
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Hachikoko with Mother, 3 Brothers and 1 Sisters
Chores: House Cleaning
Health is Fair
Name: Asmaty Kapoba. Child #218
DOB: 07/01/00
Grade: 2
Wants to be a Teacher
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Mathmatics
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Chatika with Auntie, 3 Brothers and 2 Sisters
Chores: House Cleaning
Health is Fair
Name: Ancient Mweemba. Child #221
DOB: 02/04/01
Grade: 4
Wants to be a Teacher
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Matmatics
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Sport:
Lives in Chatika with No, 4 Brothers and 2 Sisters
Chores: Soccer
Health is Fair
Name: Enocent Ngandu. Child #226
DOB: 03/25/94
Grade: 7
Wants to be a Police
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Science
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Hachikoko with Grandmother, 3 Brothers and 2 Sisters
Chores: House Cleaning
Health is Fair
Name: Justin Muloba. Child #234
DOB: 01/31/95
Grade: 7
Wants to be a Driver
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Chikambwe with Mother, - Brothers and 1 Sisters
Chores: House Cleaning
Health is Fair
Name: Knox Himuzya. Child #238
DOB: 08/16/00
Grade: 2
Wants to be a Teacher
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Tonga
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Chikambwe with Mother, 2 Brothers and 4 Sisters
Chores: House Cleaning
Health is Good
Name: Erick Mainza. Child #249
DOB: 01/09/02
Grade: 2
Wants to be a Doctor
Speaks: Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: Mathmatics
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Sport: Writing
Lives in Chatika with Father, 2 Brothers and - Sisters
Chores: Dish Washing
Health is Fair
Name: Vascon Moonga. Child #258
DOB: 02/16/96
Grade: 7
Wants to be a Teacher
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Sport: Studying
Lives in Mweene with Father, 1 Brothers and 2 Sisters
Chores: Herdin Cattle
Health is Fair
Name: Costa Maambo. Child #257
DOB: 01/15/95
Grade: 7
Wants to be a Teacher
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Mweene with Father, 2 Brothers and 3 Sisters
Chores: House Cleaning
Health is Good
Name: Standwell Kanjuwe. Child #256
DOB: 02/04/97
Grade: 7
Wants to be a Pilot
Speaks: Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: Mathmatics
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Sport: Studying
Lives in Block - E with Sister, 4 Brothers and 4 Sisters
Chores: Drawing Water
Health is Fair
Name: Kembo Mweeba. Child #253
DOB: 01/15/97
Grade: 7
Wants to be a Police
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Science
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Hachingala with Father, 2 Brothers and 1 Sisters
Chores: House Cleaning
Health is Fair
Macdonald Hakalima-10 years old Child #172
DOB: March 1, 2000 Sex: M
He is in the 3rd grade and speaks Tonga
The child lives with his father, grandfather, 3 brothers and 1 sister in Chatika
Favorite Subject: Mathematics
Future Career: Police
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: General Work
Health: Good
Nchimunya Moonde-13 years old Child #171
DOB: April 1, 1997 Sex: Male
He is in the 5th grade and speaks Tonga
He lives with both parents, 2 brothers and 1 sister in Chatika
Favorite Subject: Mathematics
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: General Work
Health: Good
Rany Moonde-8 years old Child #169
DOB: October 13, 2001 Sex: Male
He is in the 3rd grade and speaks Tonga
He lives with his father, 3 brothers and 3 sisters in Chikabwe
Favorite Subject: English
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Pastime: Studying
Chores: Herding Goats
Health: Fair
Loveday Ngandu-9 years old Child #168
DOB: September 1,2000 Sex: Male
He is in the 4th grade and speaks Tonga
He lives with his uncle and 1 brother in Hachikoko
Favorite Subject: Science
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Pastime: Studying
Chores: Herding Goats
Health: Fair
Hikandoko Sililo-8 years old Child #167
DOB: April 4, 2002 Sex: Male
He is in the 2nd grade and speaks Tonga and English
He lives with his mother, 5 brothers and 1 sister in Hachikoko
Favorite Subject: English
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Pastime: Studying
Chores: Dish Washing
Health: Fair
Name: Banda Mwanachingwala. Child #140
DOB: 02/04/99
Grade: 6
Wants to be a Teacher
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Hakakuswa with Pf, - Brothers and 1 Sisters
Chores: House Cleaning
Health is Fair
Name: Lubasi Kamungomo. Child #134
DOB: 01/24/02
Grade: 2
Wants to be a Driver
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Mathematics
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Lives in Hakafuswa with Grandmother, 2 Brothers and - Sisters
Chores: House Cleaning
Health is Fair
Name: Kelvin Kakuli. Child #126
DOB: 03/05/01
Grade: 4
Wants to be a Doctor
Speaks: Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: Social Studies
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Sport: Studying
Lives in Makagala with Mother, 1 Brothers and 1 Sisters
Chores: Drawing Water
Health is Fair
Musalwa Piligana- 11 years old Child #125
DOB: September 6, 1998 Sex: M
He is in the 5th grade and speaks Tonga
He lives with his father, 1 brothers and 2 sister in Simwaba
Favorite Subject: English
Future Career: Doctor
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: Cleaning house
Health: Good
Choolwe Musaale- 14 years old Child #124
DOB: May 2, 1996 Sex: M
He is in the 6th grade and speaks English and Tonga
He lives with his grandmother, 1 brother and 2 sisters in Makuuka
Favorite Subject: English
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Pastime: Gardening
Chores: Cleaning house
Health: Good
Nyanga Nzombola- 12 years old Child #122
DOB: June 15, 1998 Sex: M
He is in the 7th grade and speaks English and Tonga
He lives with his mother and 3 brothers in Simwaba
Favorite Subject: Tonga
Future Career: Doctor
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: Looking after goats
Health: Fair- needs eyes checked
Enocent Hanyinde- 12 years old Child #119
DOB: October 28, 1997 Sex: M
He is in the 5th grade and speaks Tonga.
He lives with his mother and 2 brothers in Makuuka
Favorite Subject: Science
Future Career: Professional driver
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Pastime: Studying
Chores: Cleaning house
Health: Good
Joseph Choongo- 9 years old Child #107
DOB: July 5, 2000 Sex: M
He is in the 3rd grade and speaks English and Tonga
He lives with his grandmother, 3 brothers, and 1 sister in Makuuka
Favorite Subject: Math
Future Career: Accountant
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Pastime: Studying
Chores: Goat herding
Health: Fair
Haston Mwiinga- 9 years old Child #106
DOB: September 2, 2000 Sex: M
He is in the 5th grade and speaks English and Tonga
He lives with his mother and 1 brother, and 2 sisters in Makagala.
Favorite Subject: Social Studies
Future Career: Policeman
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Pastime: Studying
Chores: Drawing water
Health: Good
Acron Mweemba-10 years old Child #184
DOB: May 30, 2000 Sex: M
*Grade level not available at this time
He lives with his father, aunt, 3 brothers and 1 sister in Chatika
Favorite Subject: Tonga
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: House Cleaning
Health: Fair
Hachita Mayaaba- child-16 years old #189
DOB: January 2, 1994 Sex: M
He is in the 7th grade and speaks Tonga
He lives with his father, grandmother, 3 brothers and 2 sisters in Chatika
Favorite Subject: English
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Pastime: Studying
Chores: Herding Goats
Health: Good
Bruce Chaaba-13 years old Child #192
DOB: July 4, 1996 Sex: M
He is in the 6th grade and speaks Tonga
He lives with his grandmother, 3 brothers and 3 sisters in Chatika
Favorite Subject: English
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: House Cleaning
Health: Fair
Kennedy Makani-11 years old Child #195
DOB: July 1, 1999 Sex: M
He is in the 2nd grade and speaks Tonga
He lives with his mother, 4 brothers and 1 sister in Chatika
Favorite Subject: Mathematics
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: House Cleaning
Health: Fair
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 196
Sex: Male
DOB: 6/10/2000
Grade: 2
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathematics
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Chalimbana with his parents, 5 brothers and 1 sister
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Bright Hachita- 7 years old Child #198
DOB:August 24, 2002 Sex: Male
He is in the 2nd grade and speaks Tonga
He lives with his parents and 1 brother and 1 sister in Chatika
Favorite Subject: Tonga
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: House Cleaning
Health: Fair
Emmanuel Hakaiba- 11 years old Child #97
DOB:September 25, 1998 Sex: Male
He is in the 6th grade and speaks English and Tonga
He lives with his mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters in Banji
Favorite Subject: English
Future Career: Pilot
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Pastime: Studying
Chores: Looking after Goats
Health: Fair
Philip Milondwe
Child #: 95
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/15/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english/science
Favorite Color: red/white
Favorite Pastime: herding cattle
Lives in Simwaba with his grandfather, 8 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: studying
Health is: fair
Alex Madyabi 9 years old Child #68
DOB: June 3, 2000 Sex: Male
He is in the 4th grade and speaks Tonga.
He lives with his mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters in Moonga.
Favorite Subject: Math
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: Cleaning house
Health: Fair
Brian Mubambaso- 13 years old Child #32
DOB: December 1, 1996 Sex: Male
He is in the 7th grade and speaks English and Tonga.
He lives with his grandmother and 2 brothers in Mbozi.
Favorite Subject: SDS
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: Hearding cattle
Health: Fair
Glady Moomba- 12years old Child #33
DOB: June 1, 1997 Sex: Male
He is in the 7th grade and speaks Tonga.
He lives with his father, 4 brothers, and 2 sisters in Moonga.
Favorite Subject: English
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: Hearding cattle
Health: Fair
Ladiny Machila- 15 years old Child #46
DOB: January 5, 1995 Sex: Male
He is in the 7th grade and speaks Tonga.
He lives with his uncle, 3 brothers, and 6 sisters in Naleza.
Favorite Subject: English
Future Career: Policeman
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: Cleaning house
Health: Fair
Malambo Hanzenkule- 13 years old Child #74
DOB: January 4, 1997 Sex: Male
He is in the 4th grade and speaks Tonga.
He lives with his father, 2 brothers and 2 sisters in Moonga.
Favorite Subject: English
Future Career: Teacher
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Pastime: Soccer
Chores: Cleaning house
Health: Fair
Lwiindo Ngandu
DOB: March 4, 1999
He speaks English and Tonga
He lives with his Father, 4 Sisters and 1 Brother
Favorite Subject: Math
Would like to be a teacher
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Subject: Studying
Chores: Dish washing
DOB: March 4, 1999
He speaks English and Tonga
He lives with his Father, 4 Sisters and 1 Brother
Favorite Subject: Math
Would like to be a teacher
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Subject: Studying
Chores: Dish washing