Friday, July 2, 2010

Mosquito Nets for the June Children

From extra donations, we were able to provide 24 additional mosquito nets to children, so we distributed them to the children that were sponsored in early June. The rest of the June children should, also, get mosquito nets because we have raised additional funds for that. Each net costs $6. I am sure the children will sleep much better now that the mosquitos won't be bitting!!


  1. I just want to thank you for posting all these pictures, and thank the staff in Zambia for taking them. It really means a lot to me to be able to see my sponsored children with the benefits they are receiving from the program!

  2. I agree. It makes the kids seem closer. And that just isn't something that happened with the larger child sponsorship organizations. Now we can actually SEE that we are making a difference! Thank you for that.
