The sponsorship program for CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA You can now see more and do more on our new web-site! Take a look for yourself:
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Febby Chaaba Habuyani Family
Translation from Chim:
I asked the lady what her name was and the relationship with the child. She told me that she was Febby Chaaba Habuyani and the child in the video was hers. She told me that the child attends ECCDE at the CHILDHOPE established centre. She is appealing for educational support for her child through the purchase of school bag, books uniform, shoes and paying school fees. The child is Oliver Munangandu #922. He lives with his father and grandfather, and he has suffered from prolonged coughing. He needs to get checked out to make sure it isn't anything serious. If it is something serious such as TB, he needs treatment ASAP. Oliver is only 5 years old, and so he relies on the grownups to keep him safe and alive. If you can help young Oliver, send an e-mail to Thank you for in advance for showing that this child deserves to live a long healthy life just as every child does!!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Moonga Preschool Children Part 2

Moonga Preschool Children Part 1
Translation from Chim:
I asked the children there names: Loveness, Clever, and Loveness Mwiinga. I asked them if they were in school and they told me that they were at CHILDHOPE established ECCDE centre in Naleza. The two children are hers while Loveness Mwiinga (the one in the white outfit) is the daughter to the sister. She said she was finding it difficult to look after these children. She is appealing for education support in terms of uniforms, books, shoes and school bag. All 3 of these children have health issues. To sponsor one of these children, send an e-mail to
Gertrude Cheelo Part 2

Osten Kupola #1084 above turned 4 years old on May 28th. His favorite pastime is making things out of clay. He wants to be a doctor when he grows up. He is in preschool where his favorite subject is recess! If you would like to sponsor Osten, send an e-mail to
Gertrude Cheelo Part 1
Translation from Chim:
The lady in the video is the mother to the two children. I asked her name and she told me she was Gertrude Cheelo. I asked her to introduce the children. She said the baby's name is Elleny, and the little boy is Osten. Asked as to whether the eldest child was in school. She told me that he was at Naleza ECCDE. She told me that she was appealing for education support for her children. Elleny is now sponsored, but Osten is still in need of a sponsor. If you would like to sponsor Osten, send an e-mail to I will be posting Osten's photo next...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Meet Best Simbole #135
Translation by Chim
I asked the boy what his name was and the grade he was doing. The boy told me that he was Best Simbole doing grade 3 at Simwaba basic school. I then asked him what support he needed in school. The boy told me that he needed education support in terms of uniforms, shoes and books. He told me that he normally suffers from severe headache and stomach pains. Best is sponsored! Thank you, Shana!!
Chinyama Juma Introduces her Sisters Part 3
The mother of the Juma girls joins them in this video. She points out that Chinyama is sponsored but the other 3 are not. She taps each child's head as she says their names- preschool girl with the uniform on is Namoonga. The youngest with a stick in her hand is Kalinda, and the oldest is Mweemba. She says the youngest 2 are in preschool. The oldest is in grade 5. Mweemba and Kalinda are still in need of sponsors. If you would like to sponsor them, send me an e-mail to
Friday, September 24, 2010
Chinyama Juma Introduces her Sisters Part 2

You may recognize these girls. They have all been on the sponsorship pages waiting for a sponsor. Mweemba has been waiting since April. Chinyama would really like to see her sisters join her at distribution. If you would like to sponsor one of the Juma girls, send me an e-mail at
Chinyama Juma Introduces her Sisters Part 1
Translation from Chim:
The child in the video is Chinyama Juma who is already sponsored. She wanted to introduce her sisters to her sponsor, and said she would be happy if they could be sponsored, too. She even told me that she was in grade 3 herself. The two little ones in the video are Chinyama Juma’s sisters in preschool, while the tallest is Chinyama Juma`s elder sister in primary Grade 5.
I will post the girls photos and ID numbers in the next post.
Clixe Moonga Family Part 2

Mr. Moonga's 4 year old daughter Jesper is an absolute doll! She is 4 years old and loves to paint. She wants to be a nurse when she grows up, but for now, she needs the medical attention and could benefit from a visit with a nurse. If you would like to sponsor Jesper Moonga #1076, send an e-mail to
Clixe Moonga Family Part 1
Translation by Chim
I asked the man in the video what his name was. He said Clixe Moonga. The child in the video is his. Her name is Jesper Moonga. I asked him if his child was in school and he told me that the child was at the CHILDHOPE established ECCDE center. He told me that he was appealing for education support for his child in order to purchase books, shoe and paying for school fees. Since he is ill, he finds it hard to provide her with everythng she needs. To sponsor Jesper e-mail me at
Is it just me, or is there something so completely endearing about a father concerned for his daughter?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Grace Kapona Family Part 3

Here are the 2 boys that were featured in Grace Kapona's 2 videos. Joe is her son and Matinda is her grandson. They are both in need of a special sponsor to help with their special health needs. If you would like to sponsor one of these young men, send an e-mail to
Grace Kapona Family Part 2
Translation by Chim:
I asked the lady what her name was and she told me that she was Grace Kapona. She told that one of the children by the name of Matinda Ngoma was the grandchild and was doing grade 2 at Naleza basic. Joe Madyabi is the child to the lady. He is not in school due to poor health. The mother says the boy does not talk but attends CHILDHOPE ECCDE established center. As you can hear from the video, the boy`s speech is not very clear. She says the father to Joe died when he was very young. She is appealing for someone to help her look after the children. Her appeal is also to support the education of children in terms of school uniforms, shoes, books, bag etc. She says Joe was in grade one at Naleza basic school but would leave the classroom to play outside. The reason could not be known as his speech was not okay and he seems not to have a balanced mind. Joe has an eye problem where he develops sores. She is appealing for someone to help teat Joe`s eyes.- Sponsorship of Joe would bring treatment for his eyes, as he does not need educational support. Matinda is, also,in need of a sponsor. Sponsorship of Matinda would help with educational, medical, and other support. To sponsor one or both of these children, send an e-mail to
Grace Kapona Family Part 1
Translation by Chim:
I asked the lady what her name was and she told me that she was Grace Kapona. She told that one of the children by the name of Matinda Ngoma was the grandchild and was doing grade 2 at Naleza basic. Joe Madyabi is the child to the lady. He is not in school due to poor health. The mother says the boy does not talk but attends CHILDHOPE ECCDE established center. As you can hear from the video, the boy`s speech is not very clear. She says the father to Joe died when he was very young. She is appealing for someone to help her look after the children. Her appeal is also to support the education of children in terms of school uniforms, shoes, books, bag etc. She says Joe was in grade one at Naleza basic school but would leave the classroom to play outside. The reason could not be known as his speech was not okay and he seems not to have a balanced mind. Joe has an eye problem where he develops sores. She is appealing for someone to help teat Joe`s eyes.- Sponsorship of Joe would bring treatment for his eyes, as he does not need educational support until he can be examined. Matinda is, also,in need of a sponsor. Sponsorship of Matinda would help with educational, medical, and other support. To sponsor one or both of these children, send an e-mail to
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Beauty Buumba's Children Part 2

Here are Beauty Buumba's two beautiful children. Both of these children are ill and need a sponsor that can shower them with love. If that is you, send an e-mail to
Beauty Buumba's Children Part 1
Translation from Chim:
The lady in the video is the mother to the children. I asked her the names of the children. She said they were Banji (female) and Chishia (male). I asked her how easy it was to look after the children. She told me that she was finding it difficult to look after the children due to her poor health. She told me that she would appreciate to have someone who could support her children including education support. She is appealing for education support in terms of books, shoes, uniforms, paying for school fees and purchasing shoes.
Special Note: Both of the children need to get be seen by a medical professional as they have ear problems. For this reason, they need sponsors as soon as possible.
Packages Delivered September Part 2
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Packages Delivered September Part 1

I finally got the extra storage for the blogger account to work, so pictures galore again!! I just love to see these sweet faces!!! These are children that received packages right before Chim and the Zambia team headed out to Mazabuka for the Early Education Seminars.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Meet Amocky Mweene #81

Today I am featuring this young man because he is one of the 9th graders in need of a sponsor. Why should you help? This young man is only 18 years old, but he has big dreams. He would like to be a doctor. When asked why he wanted to be a doctor, he said, "To improve human lives in the society."
Realistically, Amocky has no chance of becoming a doctor. His father passed away and then, his mother- Taken from this world with their children looking on. Their deaths left Amocky and his 4 siblings complete orphans. It is hard enough for a student in his village with both parents to go on to university, but without parents, it is impossible. The relatives who have taken the 5 children in to their home have added 5 mouths to feed to their household. Their focus is on survival.
Amocky has the drive and desire to become a doctor. Now, he just needs someone to give him a chance. If you can help Amocky, send an e-mail to