Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Who Will Stand with the Poor?

It is hard to imagine the daily struggles that the families and children in southern Zambia face everyday. The reason we can't imagine what it is like is because we are tucked away in our little corner of the universe- when we get hungry, we pick up the phone and order food to be delivered to our home, or we get in our cars and load our grocery carts up with enough food to feed 20 people. When we need a snack between meals, we go to the vending machine, stick our coins in and out pops a high-priced candy bar.
I would like for you to imagine just for a minute that you have no car- that you have no money, and you have no food. Now imagine that you have children depending on you for food and an education. What will you do? Where will you go to feed your children? How hopeless would you feel and what would you tell your children?
This is what the mothers, fathers, aunt, uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers of southern Zambia face every day! Their despair is unimaginable! Yet, they still believe in God and believe that he will provide for them.
Child Hope Zambia has set up a sponsorship program to help these children get an education, and continue in their studies. They receive breakfast and lunch, uniforms, school supplies, hygiene kits, life-saving medical treatments from malaria and other diseases.
The great thing about this program is the hope it brings to the children and their families. Imagine the joy and elation they feel when they get told they have a sponsor and someone cares about their child and their family!
To sponsor a primary child, it costs only 30 cents a day! Only 30 cents to give a child hope for their future?! Is your child worth 30 cents a day? Are these children worth it to you? Can you put a price tag on a human life? Can you close your eyes and pretend these children will survive without you?

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