Friday, August 27, 2010

Helping Them Help Themselves

Cattle are $150 each
Goats are $25 each

Chickens are $7 each

Introducing a new way to help our families help themselves!! You may now purchase livestock for any of the families in Mazabuka!! The cattle are great for many things- hauling things to market to sell, plowing the fields for a garden, milk, meat, etc. The goats are good for milk and meat, and the chickens bring eggs and meat! Even just a few of these animals are helpful because they reproduce- It is the gift that keeps on giving!

You can order these items by sending an e-mail to Or, you can order on the yahoo group. I have set up a database where you can add the children you would like to get these animals for.

This is an ongoing program, so you may purchase livestock as you wish. Let's get these families set up to feed and support themselves!

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