The sponsorship program for CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA You can now see more and do more on our new web-site! Take a look for yourself:
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Getting Ready for August Distribution
Check out these cool items that some of the sponsored children will be receiving around Sept 8th! There are more hygiene items that have not been photographed yet. I really like the towels. Most families have only one towel to use among all of the family members. Now these children will have a brand new colorful towel all their own!!! I know this will be very exciting for them. These are the children who are receiving hygiene items this time around:
7- Melody Hichoonga
10- Ashes Munyumbwe
18- Brenda Cheemu
39- Eunister Mubambabu
45- Catherine Mwiinga
54- Pretty Mulinga
67- Juma Chinyama
72- Christopher Muyunmbwe
91- Astridah Cheelo
99- Hampainde Mainza
101- Daniel Hakaiba
103- Felistus Sichibbka
137- Fungai Shuuba
142- Beene Hamooya
143- Jean Kadyalisi
148- Angela Moonga
150- Elmedah Moonga
158- Chintu Hansenke
199- Nsandule Nchimunya
202- Chris Kalalu
264- Honester Cheelo
273- Floriana Lwiinda
303- Clive Maimbo
430- Jannet Nkolola
Friday, August 27, 2010
Helping Them Help Themselves
Chickens are $7 each
Introducing a new way to help our families help themselves!! You may now purchase livestock for any of the families in Mazabuka!! The cattle are great for many things- hauling things to market to sell, plowing the fields for a garden, milk, meat, etc. The goats are good for milk and meat, and the chickens bring eggs and meat! Even just a few of these animals are helpful because they reproduce- It is the gift that keeps on giving!
You can order these items by sending an e-mail to Or, you can order on the yahoo group. I have set up a database where you can add the children you would like to get these animals for.
This is an ongoing program, so you may purchase livestock as you wish. Let's get these families set up to feed and support themselves!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Graduating Secondary School Students
Name: Mercy Buumba
Child #: 337
Sex: Female
DOB: 5/25/1994
Grade: 9
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks English/Tonga
Favorite Subject: religious education and history
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: volleyball
Lives in Naleza with her grandfather, 3 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: cooking
Health is fair
Name: Sandra Chimamama
Child #: 512
DOB: 2/21/1995
Grade: 9
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: pink
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Simwaba with her parents, 2 brothers and 0 sisters
Chores: cooking
Health is fair
Name: Mary Moonga
Child #: 564
DOB: 5/13/2010
Grade: 9
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: volleyball
Lives in Manyaana with her mother, 5 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Matrine Mooya
*not sponsored*
Child #: 708
Sex: Female
DOB: 11/07/94
Grade: 9
Wants to be a police officer
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics / english
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Simwaba with her parents, 1 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Shellah Malambo
*not sponsored*
Child #: 711
Sex: Female
DOB: 04/04/93
Grade: 9
Wants to be a police officer
Speaks Tonga / English
Favorite Subject: mathmatics / english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Simwaba with her parents, 1 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: cooking
Health is fair
Here are some of the female junior secondary students who will be graduating in December. Even if you can not help them to continue with their studies into senior secondary, they could sure use a friend now!! They need support to help them reach their potential and pass their exams. This would be a short sponsorship, should you choose to do it that way. They would be sponsored through the end of the year. If sponsored now (August), they would be able to get a hygiene kit, shoes, mosquito net, and medicines through the discounted secondary program. As you can see, there is still a lot you could provide, and your commitment would be up at the end of the year. After December 2010, you may continue to write them, and you can send donations to help them with their studies or whatever you wish. Let's get some of these young people sponsored!!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Graduating Primary School Students
Name: Marble Munyanti
Child #: 451
DOB: 12/19/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with her mother, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Charity Nyambe
Child #: 522
DOB: 6/28/1994
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks English
Favorite Subject: science
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Kamuzya West with her sister, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Mervis Mungo
*not sponsored*
Child #: 638
Sex: Female
DOB: 03/12/94
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: studying
Lives in Naleza with her mother, 2 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: drawing water
Health is fair
Name: Anna Njovu
*not sponsored*
Child #: 613
Sex: Female
DOB: 04/08/96
Grade: 7
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: yelow
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Naleza with her parents, 5 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Lydia Mundia
Child #: 597
DOB: 9/9/1995
Grade: 7
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: mathmatics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Simwaba with her grandparents, 0 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Jackline Chaambwa
Child #: 570
DOB: 12/21/1995
Grade: 7
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Simwaba with her parents, 1 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: washing plates and sweeping the house
Health is fair
Name: Prudence Hachiwa
Child #: 463
*Not Sponsored*
DOB: 2/5/1994
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Simwaba with her parents, 4 brothers and 2 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Ravenda Nyaanwa
*Not Sponsored*
Child #: 464
DOB: 4/1/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Simwaba with her parents, 1 brothers and 4 sisters
Chores: collecting firewood
Health is fair
Name: Cangu Hansenke
Child #: 452
DOB: 9/15/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: reading
Lives in Simwaba with her grandfather, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: house cleaning
Health is fair
Name: Prisca Mwiinga
Child #: 450
DOB: 1/16/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english / mathmatics
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simaba with her mother, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Christine Mutale
Child #: 465
DOB: 10/5/1998
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english/mathmatics
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Simwaba with her parents, 1 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: sweeping
Health is fair
Name: Sarah Kalabila
Child #: 446
DOB: 9/16/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga/Englis
Favorite Subject: tonga
Favorite Color: pink
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Simwaba with her mother, 4 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
Name: Grace Banda
Child #: 315
Sex: Female
DOB: 5/5/1995
Grade: 7
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks English/Tonga
Favorite Subject: engish and science
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Naleza with her grandmother, 0 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
While the school year is just beginning for school children all over the USA, the end of the school year is fast approaching for the school children in Zambia. For students in the 7th grade, this is an even bigger deal because they will be taking their exams to see if they can move on to secondary school in January. They only have 4 more months to prepare for this big event.
We have several 7th graders that could really use a sponsor's emotional support. These are just a few of the girls that are finishing up the 7th grade. There are even more available on the "sponsor primary child-girl" page. Now that we have the discounted secondary program, you can continue to sponsor these children into Junior Secondary school for the same $9 sponsorship per month donation!! These 7th graders will not get uniforms on their second month of sponsorship because they will not need a primary uniform after December. Instead, they will get the hygiene kit that the secondary students get on their second month. Then, we will go ahead and start them in the secondary sponsorship program, so that their sponsorship payments can go toward their secondary school fees.
Before, sponsors avoided the 7th graders because of the sponsorship fee that would go up to $15 a month once the children went on to secondary. Now, that is no longer a concern. Plus, I will tell you a secret- The older children write some great letters to their sponsors!! If you would like to sponsor any of these 7th grade girls, send an e-mail to
Friday, August 20, 2010
Meet Miyanda #1061
This is Miyanda. One of our sponsors, John, send some extra funds to be used in whatever capacity it was most needed. The team in Zambia felt it would be best used on the purchase of blankets as it is still very cold in Zambia. The majority of the families have nothing to keep them warm. Several families received blankets with John's donation including Mrs. Mweemba whom I posted earlier. I will post some more of the blanket recipients over the next few days. Thank you for keeping these families warm, John!!
Miyanda is now sponsored! Thanks!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Future Leaders of Zambia
Name: Sibanje Mudenda
*not sponsored*
Child #: 778
Sex: Female
DOB: 5/13/2002
Grade: ECCDE
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: painting
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Naleza with her grandparents, 1 brother and 1 sister
Chores: dish washing
Health is: fair
Name: Edinah Nakaale Musale
*not sponsored*
Child #: 817
Sex: Female
DOB: 4/9/2004
Grade: ECCDE
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Chalimbana with her parents, 1 brother and 1 sister
Chores: dish washing
Health is: fair
Name: Kelvin Buumba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 843
Sex: Male
DOB: 12/12/2004
Grade: ECCDE
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Naleza with his father, 1 brother and 1 sister
Chores: herding cattle
Health is: fair
Name: Davine Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #: 734
Sex: Male
DOB: 7/8/2007
Grade: ECCDE
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: painting
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 1 brother and 1 sister
Chores: herding goats
Health is: fair
Name: Nchimunya Mweemba
*not sponsored*
Child #: 807
Sex: Female
DOB: 10/22/2007
Grade: ECCDE
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Chalimbana with her mother, 0 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is: fair
These 5 preschoolers are just a few of the newest children I have added to the preschool boy and preschool girl pages. These are the future leaders of Zambia! They are learning early, and therefore, getting a head start. While other children are hanging outside watching/helping their parents with daily chores, these bright children are learning their alphabet, numbers, shapes, and having fun learning with their friends. This early education program is a blessing for both the children and their parents. This is hope that they may go further in their education and attain a career in which they can not only get out of poverty but help their communities. Take a look at all of the preschool children, and let me know if you see a future Zambian leader that you would like to support for only $9 a month. To sponsor one or more of these children, e-mail me at
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Update- Mrs. Mweemba
None of her grandchildren have been sponsored yet. She has one boy in the 3rd grade whose bio I have attached below. The other two children are in preschool- Jenipher will be headed into the first grade in January 2010, and I have posted her bio below. The other child is #1058. His photo is not a great one (very blurry), but you can see him on the video with Jenipher, Nomarks and Mrs. Mweemba. I haven't attached his photo, but he is available as well. It would be great to be able to deliver the news to Mrs. Mwemba that at least one of her grandchildren has been sponsored as well. If you can help any of these 3 children, please send an e-mail to As always, thank you all for all that you do!!!
Name: Nomarks Loongo #632
DOB: February 2, 2001
Grade: 3
Speaks Tonga
Favorite color: blue
Favorite subject: English
Favorite pastime: soccer
Future career: doctor
Household chore: herding goats
Health: fair
Name: Jenipher Moonga #634
DOB: April 10, 2003
Grade: ECCDE
Speaks Tonga
Favorite color: red
Favorite subject: math
Favorite pastime: free play
Future career: nurse
Household chore: sweeping the house
Health: fair
Friday, August 13, 2010
The ECCDE Program
In Zambia, children do not begin school until the age of 7! For those of you with children of your own, you have probably seen just how much a child can learn BEFORE the age of 7. Children are like sponges and soak up everything they can even repeating what they have learned. It is extremely important to teach language at this time. Learning a new language before the age of 7 means that the child will grow up speaking the language normally with little or no foreign accent.
While other children in Zambia are hanging out all day waiting to turn 7, the children in Mazabuka are able to attend school!! At the CHILDHOPE supported preschool centers, they learn English, beginning math, beginning reading, educational play, and much more!
The sponsorship program provides the individual child with shoes, medicines, school supplies, and school books. The program provides the classroom with learning materials such as educational toys, wall charts, and books!
I have posted some of these children already on the preschool child pages, but I have another 125 children I will be posting this week. Let's help these children move to the head of their class and become the future leaders of Zambia!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Mrs. Mweemba gets a gift
Here is a video of Mrs. Mweemba. CHILDHOPE was really moved by her desperate situation, and donated a blanket to her. She is raising several grandchildren, and all of them are in need of sponsors. Mrs. Mweemba says she is so grateful for the blanket given to the grandchild. She says she is a widow and she needs more help. She is suffering from backache and is appealing for support of the children she is looking after. She is also appealing for a bicycle she could use to fend for the children since she cannot walk longer distance due to backache. Mr. Hambuli handed over the blanket to the child while Mrs. Mweemba looks on. To sponsor one of her grandchildren (She has 3 available for sponsorship), send an e-mail to
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Letters to their Sponsors- Cold Season 2010
A stack of letters have arrived from Zambia. I know ever one is very anxious to receive them. I am purchasing a scanner in order to have the letters as a digital copy as well (as a backup in case it gets lost in the mail or the sponsor loses it). If you do not need me to scan your letters, send me a message on the yahoo group, and I will get yours in the mail tomorrow :o)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Feeding Program
Here is a small clipping of the feeding program. Right now, it is not consistant because we do not get donations for it all of the time. As you can see, when the donations are there, the children really enjoy the food.
If you would like to make a donation to the food program, any amount is appreciated and will be combined with other donations to feed the school children.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Mulube Family Part 2
Name: Mike Mulube
Child #: 1066
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/5/2004
Grade: 1
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: english
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his parents, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: looking after goats
Health is: fair
Name: Mao Mulube
Child #: 1067
Sex: Male
DOB: 10/7/1996
Grade: 8
Wants to be a soldier
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: religious educxation
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Pastime: soccer
Lives in Manyana with his parents, 2 brothers and 1 sisters
Chores: looking after goats
Health is: fair
These 2 handsome young men are the children from the video I just posted. Their brother Muchale is not posted because he already has a sponsor. These 2 are still waiting to be sponsored. To sponsor one of these boys, send an e-mail to
Mulube Family Part 1
Translation by Chim:
I asked the children their names and the grade levels. The breakdown of names and grade levels will be in the post labeled part 2. Third child from the left is terminally ill. They need help to purchase uniforms, shoes, books, bags, and paying school fees .The man and the lady standing with the children are the parents. The father and the mother are appealing for the support of education of their children through purchase of school uniforms, books, shoes and paying for their fees. The parents to these children are terminally ill and it has been very difficult for them to fend for the children. The father to the children says he had stroke and its difficult for him to walk longer distance to get medication.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Jenifer Hamoonga
Translation from Chim:
I asked the girl what her name was .She told me she was Jenifer Hamoonga. She told me she was doing her grade 4 at Manyana School. She told me she would appreciate someone who would help her with her education in purchasing school uniforms, books, shoes and a bag.
Jenifer is sponsored! Thank you!
Group Sponsored Child- Private
Here is Private. This sweet boy is in the 2nd grade. As you can see, he speaks English very well. He said that his name is Private, he is in the 2nd grade, and he lives in Manyana. When asked what kind of help he needed, he said that he needs help with school fees, books and uniforms.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Jordan Mwiinga with his mother
This is the mother to Jordan Mwiinga who is so grateful for the person who is sponsoring her child. She is saying thank you very much and may God bless them. She says she could not afford to purchase a uniform for the child. She is appealing for the support of this child until he completes school. Her being physically challenged it has been very difficult to support the child. She says though physically challenged, she would be able to sew clothes using a machine and if there is anybody who could assist her, she will be grateful as she will be able to sustain her children.
Meet Mary Mainza #1062
This 8th grader is in desperate need of a sponsor. Sponsorship is $15 a month a provides her with school fees, uniforms, shoes, hygiene items, and health benefits. To sponsor Mary, send an e-mail to
When it Rains it Pours
—Joey Tolbert
(-); poet