The sponsorship program for CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA You can now see more and do more on our new web-site! Take a look for yourself:
Friday, December 31, 2010
Christmas Distribution Post 4~ 25 Kg of Mealie Meal
Jenfer #1060 above and Loveness #1070 below
Simon #1108 above and Daphne #1137 below
Astridah #91 above and Chinyama #92 below
Felistus #103 above and Tebby #160 below
Kenneth #162 above and Golden #222 below
Melody #462 above and Gladness #523 below
Leonard #567 above and Burton #1007 below
Onest #1050 above and Netto #1054 below
As you can see, the big bags of Mealie Meal were a HUGE hit with the kids. Not in this post are Elizabeth & Margret Hamoonga, Mutinta Halubala, and Chinyaba Madyabi.
Christmas Distribution Post 3~ Shoes
Best #135 above and Mediness/Mednice #1010 below
These 2 children received shoes along with Libert who was already posted. Missing from this post is Humphrey #1106. His picture will be posted as soon as it is received.
These 2 children received shoes along with Libert who was already posted. Missing from this post is Humphrey #1106. His picture will be posted as soon as it is received.
Christmas Distribution Post 2~ Simon and Libert
Simon #434 above received a blanket, secondary school supplies, exercise books, backpack, mosquito net and health supplies (anti malaria, panadol, anti-diarrhea, anti ringworms, anti bilharzia, and chlorine tabs)
Libert #279 above received 8th grade text books (English, Environmental Science, Geography, History, Math and Religious Education), school supplies, exercise books, backpack, and shoes
Talk about ready for school! These young men are set!
Christmas Distribution Post 1~ Soccer Balls
Verian #259 above and Mike #83 below
Sarafina #55 above and Pretty #54 below
These 5 students received soccer balls from their sponsor.
Sarafina #55 above and Pretty #54 below
Chilala #58 below
Birthday Kids! Dec 31

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Elijah Ng`andu family
Translation by Chim:
I asked the man in the video what his name was. He told me that he was Elijah Ngandu and the child in the video is the daughter. He told me that the girl was doing grade 7 at Simwaba basic school. Asked how the child could be helped. He told me that the child needs school books, shoes, blankets, school bag, food etc. Asked what health complications the child has. Mr.Ng`andu said that the child has Asthma and he can not afford to send her to the doctor.
Name: Namoonga M. Ngandu
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1146
Sex: Female
DOB: 2/12/1996
Grade: 7
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks Tonga/English
Speaks Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: english/math
Favorite Color: red/green
Favorite Pastime: netball
Lives in Simwaba with her parents, 6 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Lives in Simwaba with her parents, 6 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
If you would like to sponsor Namoonga for only $9 a month, send an e-mail to
Meet Clive Maimbo & see Child Sponsorship Registration
Check out this primary school age handsome young man! He is in need of a sponsor asap. Here is the detail of his video:
This is one of the videos taken in the community during child sponsorship registration in April 2010. You can see for yourself how well the program has been received in Mazabuka. Behind Clive, you can see the bustle and excitement as the people of Mazabuka line up to become a part of changing their community! They came from near and far to get their children enrolled in the child sponsorship program. This program will allow students to stay in school and get other children who would not normally be able to go to school at all due to lack of funds enrolled in school. It, also, provides them with medical benefits as medications are available to them free of charge through the program. We hope that this will lead to higher survival rates and higher education completion.
In the video, that is Chim talking to one of the children during registration. The boy is Clive Maimbo #303. He is saying he is in Grade 3 at Naleza basic and needs a sponsor to help him purchase a uniform, books, school bag and a bicycle.
To sponsor a Clive for only $9 a month, send an e-mail to
Here are some of his photos:
Birthday Kids! Dec 30

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sidney Chinoobo family~ Part 2
Name: Sara Mweemba
*not sponsored*
Child #1130
DOB: 4/5/2009
Grade: Nursery
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: coloring
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite pastime: playing with toys
Lives in Simwaba with her parents and 4 brothers
Chores: washing clothes
Health is fair
Name: Ben Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #1131
DOB: 6/8/2007
Grade: PreK
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks: Tonga
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: coloring
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite pastime: playing with toys
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and 1 Sister
Chores: washing plates
Health is fair
Name: Jola Mwiinga
Child #749
DOB: 4/5/2004
Grade: 1
Wants to be a doctor
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: math
Favorite Color: red
Favorite pastime: playing with toys
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and 1 Sister
Chores: looking after goats
Health is fair
Chores: looking after goats
Health is fair
Name: Able Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #387
DOB: 9/5/1997
Grade: 3
Wants to be a driver
Speaks: Tonga
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: math
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite pastime: soccer
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and 1 Sister
Chores: looking after goats
Chores: looking after goats
Health is fair
To sponsor any of these deservng children, send an e-mail to macandmic@gmail.comUpdate: Jola is now sponsored!! Thank you Dorothy!
Sidney Chinoobo family~ Part 1
Translation by Chim:
I asked the lady the relationship she had with the children in the video. She told me that the children in the video were hers. Asked the name of the child crying. She said the name of the girl cry was Sara Mweemba attending ECCDE supported by CHILDHOPE at Simwaba.
She said the short boy in red T-shirt in front is Ben Mwiinga attending CHILDHOPE supported ECCDE center at Simwaba. Asked the name of the tall child in red T-shirt behind. She told me that the child`s name was Able Mwiinga doing grade 3 at Simwaba basic school. She told me that the child wearing a black sweat shirt with white long sleeves was Jola Mwiinga doing grade one at Simwaba basic school. Asked what support the children required in school. The lady told me that she would appreciate if someone sponsored her children`s education through the purchase of books, uniforms, pencils etc. Asked how the health of her children was, she told me that the elder child`s stomach gets swollen most of the time.
Photos and profiles of the 4 children will be in the next post, so stay tuned!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Demonstration of Preschool Items revisited
I wanted to share this video with you all again because this lady on the video is the one whose husband just passed away. She is, also, teminally ill. She is standing with her youngest child Tebby who I have sponsored since May 2010. She is displaying the preschool items that were given to Tebby. Tebby received a backpack, school books, school supplies, and shoes. She is happy and appreciative to the sponsors and CHILDHOPE. As you can see, she is very excited to show off the thing that Tebby received in detail. She has 1 more son and 1 daughter that are in need of sponsors- Mike and Kasamba. If you can sponsor Mike or Kasamba, send an e-mail to She will be very happy for any help received!!
Kasamba Muloba #957 above and Mike Muloba #956 below
Steven Mwiinga family
Translation by Chim:
I asked the lady what her name was and she told me that she was Ruth Buumba from Dindi community. Asked her what relationship she had with the children and she told me that the children in the video were hers. The child wearing a green dress is Mainza Mwiinga while the one with a black blouse is Annita Mwiinga. The two children were attending CHILDHOPE ECCDE supported center in Dindi .She is appealing for support of the children because she can not afford to purchase the items they need for school- books, shoes, uniforms, and clothes. Asked about child heath. She told me that Annita Mwiinga was suffering from stomach pains while Mainza Mwiinga did not have appetite.
Name: Annita Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
Child #1152
DOB: 9/14/2007
Grade: Nursery
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: numbers
Favorite Color: red
Favorite pastime: running
Lives in Dindi with her parents, 1 brother and 1 Sister
Chores: picking plates
Health is fair
Name: Mainza Mwiinga
*not sponsored*
*not sponsored*
Child #1153
DOB: 5/12/2004
Grade: PreK
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: numbers
Favorite Color: green
Favorite pastime: making things with clay
Lives in Dindi with her parents, 2 brothers and 3 Sisters
Chores: picking plates
Voster Maabwe family
Translation by Chim:
I asked the lady in the video what her name was. She told me that she was I.Maabwe the mother to the child in the video. I asked the mother if the child was in school and she told me that the girl attends CHILDHOPE supported ECCDE center in Chalimbana. Asked what support the child required in school. The mother told that she would appreciate if someone gave educational support to her child in terms of books, school bag, reading books etc. This would enable the child start having knowledge at a tender age.
Name: Hope Maabwe
*not sponsored*
Child #1135
DOB: 8/8/2005
Grade: PreK
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: numbers
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite pastime: making things with clay
Lives in Chalimbana with her parents, 2 brothers and 2 Sisters
Chores: washing dishes
Health is fair
If you would like to sponsor Hope for only $9 a month, send an e-mail to
Monday, December 27, 2010
Willard Hamooya family~ Part 2
Name: Nina Nchimunya Moonga
*not sponsored*
Child #1148
DOB: 10/15/2007
Grade: Nursery
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: painting
Favorite Color: white/blue
Favorite pastime: playing with toys
Favorite pastime: playing with toys
Lives in Simwaba with her father and 3 Sisters
Chores: picking plates
Health is fair
Name: Mutinta Majilo
*not sponsored*
Child #1147
DOB: 11/6/1996
Grade: 9
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks: Tonga/English
Favorite Subject: math/science
Favorite Color: red/blue
Favorite pastime: cooking
Lives in Simwaba with her mother, 5 Brothers and 1 Sister
Chores: dish washing
Health is fair
If you would like to help this family by sponsoring one of their girls, send an e-mail to
Willard Hamooya family~ Part 1
Translation by Chim:
I asked the lady in the video what her name was and she told me that she was Malambo Hamooya. Asked about the relationship with the children. She told me that the children in the video were the sister’s. I was told that the smallest child `s name was Nina Nchimunya Moonga while the eldest girl in the video was Mutinta Majilo. I asked her if the smallest child was in school and she told me that the small girl was attending the CHILDHOPE Simwaba supported ECCDE centre. I then asked her if the eldest girl in the video was in school. She told me that the eldest girl was at Simwaba basic school doing grade 9.Asked about the health of the children. The lady in the video is looking for a sponsor for these 2 children on her sister's behalf. They need help purchasing books and paying school fees.
Photos and profiles will be in the next post, sostay tuned!
Enerst Nyanwa family~ Follow Up Part 2
Name: Prudence Nyanwa (Ernest Nyanwa family)
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1036
Sex: Female
DOB: 9/23/2007
Grade: PreK
Wants to be a nurse
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: red/green
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with her parents, 3 brothers and 1 sister
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with her parents, 3 brothers and 1 sister
Chores: picking up plates
Health is fair
Name: Evans Nyanwa (Ernest Nyanwa family)
Child #: 1037
Sex: Male
DOB: 8/12/1997
Grade: 7
Wants to be a footballer
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: English and Math
Favorite Color: blue/white
Favorite Pastime: looking after animals
Lives in Simwaba with his parents and siblings
Chores: gardening
Health is serious- mosquito net being delivered to him thanks to Annie's donation!!
Name: Bupe Nyanwa (Ernest Nyanwa family)
*not sponsored*
Child #: 1038
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/28/2004
Grade: PreK
Wants to be a teacher
Speaks Tonga
Favorite Subject: drawing
Favorite Color: brown
Favorite Pastime: free play
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Chores: fetching water
Health is fair
Enerst Nyanwa family~ Follow Up Part 1
This family was videotaped a few months ago. Since the children are still in need of sponsors, they took another clip of part of the family. Three of the 4 children previously videotaped and photographed are still in need of sponsors. If you would like to see the video from a few months ago, you can find it here:
I will post the photographs and profiles of the children in the next post. Here is the translation for this video:
Translation by Chim:
I asked the lady in the picture who the children in the video were. She told me that the children in the video were hers. Asked the names of the children in the video and she told me that the eldest boy was Evans Nyanwa while the small girl`s name was Prudence Nyanwa. The mother told me that the Evans was doing grade 7 at Simwaba basic school while Prudence would start going to ECCDE Simwaba center when schools open. Asked what support children would require in school. The mother told me that the children need books, shoes, uniform and help paying for fees. She said the children were suffering from stomach pains, Asthima and coughing.
Hamwanza Lee family~ CHILDHOPE- ZAMBIA
Translation by Chim:
I asked the lady in the video and she told me that she was Pimpa Muchelenga. Asked the relationship she had with the child and she said the child in the video wearing a striped shirt was hers including the smaller one (though the smaller one is not in the sponsorship program). I then asked her if the child was in school. The lady told me that the child in the video was attending the CHILDHOPE supported ECCDE center at Simwaba. I asked the lady if the boy had any health complications. The lady told me that the boy in the video is suffering from Asthma. The lady is appealing for education support of her child through the purchase of books, school bag, uniform etc.
Name: Rastas Hamwanza
Child #1156 *NOT SPONSORED*
DOB: 8/10/04
Grade: PreK
Wants to be a Teacher
Speaks: Tonga
Favorite Subject: Numbers
Favorite Color: Blue/White
Favorite Sport: Reading
Lives in Simwaba with his parents, 1 brother and 2 sisters
Chores: Looking after Goats
Health is Fair
If you would like to sponsor Rastas, send an e-mail to
Birthday Kids! Dec 27

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